I was a little bored the other day! Not because I had nothing to do, on the contrary, I had too much to do so I was procrastinating so out came the camera! Someone asked me this week if I ever take pictures of the other kids. Yes I do but not that often as the 3 boys are often at school when a moment of procrastination takes over and Ashton, well he is a tricky little kid to capture as he often looks the opposite direction just to avoid me!! Please note my case in point below!!
and then there is the way Ashton carries poor long suffering Tickles! Again you will notice the obvious refusal to look at the camera! Oh he has his ..."I am all boy" face on too! Such a little charmer!
and absolutely no better with his animal handling skills in this picture either! To top it off this time, he totally turned his back on me. No way was he posing for a photograph!!!
So it is little wonder that I resort to photographing this little poser who has some improved animal handling skills over her Brother!
She also seems to enjoy striking a pose! Watch out world!
In the end it is just easier to capture beautiful pictures of Miss Kaitlyn! I might also enjoy scrapbooking feminine layouts as well!
My parents came up the other weekend as I had a birthday. Yep another year older, I just can't slow that progression down!! Darn It!! Well why they were over I suggested I take a couple of photos of them. I really don't have that many pictures of Mum and Dad together so it was a good opportunity and also a chance for them to get a nice image for themselves. I then gave the photo the same attention I would give any photo of myself and erased a few years of experience from their faces and Mum LOVED the results! I also think that Miss Kaitlyn shares some similarities with my Mum, especially a more square jawline, whereas I have my Fathers very angular face!
Onto the scrapbooking front....I have created a lot of cards lately for the Color Room. We have had some amazing sponsorship from companies and I really wanted to create with their products but am extremely time poor right now so I opted for cards. Besides it is always fabulous to have a stash of cards to draw on when necessary! These first ones are created with papers from a Sweedish company called Maja Designs. Beautiful papers with lovely fine designs on them.
And these cards using papers from anothe Color Room sponsor, Megs Garden.
So now I have quite a good range in my stash!
I also want to promote a retreat that I will be teaching at in September in.....wait for it..... NEW ZEALAND!! Woohoo! Can't wait to go there. I have been to NZ once before, for all of 1 hour and only got to set foot in their international airport on my way to Los Angeles, so I am a bit excited to be able to venture out of the airport and have the opportunity to meet some fabulous NZ scrappers! If it is something you are interested in here are some details for you!
If you are wanting to book into this fabulous event just pop by Louises Blog and you can find registration forms! For anyone who is planning to go I cant wait to see you there in September! Thanks again for stopping by my blog!!
Gosh, you're not only an amazing scrapbooker, but also a very talented photographer! Even the photo of Ahston's back looks perfect;) And your girl is such a cutie pie, I just love that picture of Kaitlyn and your adorable kitty. That photo of your parents is so neat too. I think you and your mom look a lot alike.
On the scrapping front, you've made some really gorgeous creations lately too! I absolutely love each one of your cards! And big congrats on being asked for the scrapbook retreat. How awesome you get to go to NZ! We're currently thinking about where to go to during summer vacation and I suggested we'd go to Australia. Unfortunately the only answer I got from my parents was 'No way';) I'd probably better save some money for a journey of a lifetime in the future.
Posted by: Romy | February 19, 2012 at 01:58 AM
I see STAR potential written all over your daughter!
So happy to see you in the Websters Pages DT.
Hugs from India
Posted by: Anupama Choudary | February 19, 2012 at 03:58 PM
Lovely photos, all of them!
Posted by: Bellaidea | February 23, 2012 at 08:18 AM
Hi Janine, I love your style and have given you a 'Liebster Blog Award'. Check it out on my blog and spread the love:)
Posted by: Katja Schneider | March 04, 2012 at 10:04 PM
Beautiful cards, good kids!
and what gorgeous photos, you are processing them as anything, Filters, Action, or not?
Posted by: Niona | March 07, 2012 at 06:38 AM
You have beautiful children and they are all photogenic..even Ashton...I love those boy photo's..so cute!
These cards are just fabulous too...really awesome!
Posted by: Denise van Deventer | March 12, 2012 at 08:18 PM
My friend loves cats very much, so cute pics.
Posted by: Plastic card Printing | March 14, 2012 at 08:44 PM
The picture of your son turning his back to you is so cute and adorable! I was wondering if you edit your photos afterwards or use a special filter when you photograph?
Posted by: Lovisa | April 29, 2012 at 07:43 PM