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February 18, 2012



Gosh, you're not only an amazing scrapbooker, but also a very talented photographer! Even the photo of Ahston's back looks perfect;) And your girl is such a cutie pie, I just love that picture of Kaitlyn and your adorable kitty. That photo of your parents is so neat too. I think you and your mom look a lot alike.

On the scrapping front, you've made some really gorgeous creations lately too! I absolutely love each one of your cards! And big congrats on being asked for the scrapbook retreat. How awesome you get to go to NZ! We're currently thinking about where to go to during summer vacation and I suggested we'd go to Australia. Unfortunately the only answer I got from my parents was 'No way';) I'd probably better save some money for a journey of a lifetime in the future.

Anupama Choudary

I see STAR potential written all over your daughter!
So happy to see you in the Websters Pages DT.

Hugs from India


Lovely photos, all of them!

Katja Schneider

Hi Janine, I love your style and have given you a 'Liebster Blog Award'. Check it out on my blog and spread the love:)


Beautiful cards, good kids!
and what gorgeous photos, you are processing them as anything, Filters, Action, or not?

Denise van Deventer

You have beautiful children and they are all photogenic..even Ashton...I love those boy photo's..so cute!
These cards are just fabulous too...really awesome!

Plastic card Printing

My friend loves cats very much, so cute pics.


The picture of your son turning his back to you is so cute and adorable! I was wondering if you edit your photos afterwards or use a special filter when you photograph?

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