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July 09, 2011


jamie D

This turned out amazing!! I have tons of those inks! Now I want to bust them out :) Hugs Girl!

Lorraine Knight

Thanks for the info, more techniques to try lol. Luv your work. Thanks for sharing xx

Kym Piez

Oh so much effort. But oh, soooo beautiful!


Jing-Jing Nickel

wonderful tutorial Janine, ugh, I wish I didn't need those masks now, lol.


You are quickly becoming one of my favorite scrappers! Your blog is full of eye candy and gorgeous inspiration! I appreciate so much you sharing with us your wonderful tutorials and fantastic photography, THANKS!!!!!!!!!


Oh wow, your layout is just amazing. You do the best boy pages! Love these gears and the big flourish and these colours are sooo cute.

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