I am quite good at getting side tracked! I actually told myself I would not start dress-making again as I am just too busy, but those Donna Downey Iron-ons got the better of me and I decorated another t-shirt with a mix of an iron on and some fabric squares. Well that made me think how cute a skirt to match would go with the top, so I was naughty and made a cute little skirt out of some fat quarters for quilting. I had to be a little creative to piece it together. This was the result...
The problem is that now I want to make more!! And seriously, with CHA just around the corner I have enough on my plate without starting to make clothing for my sweet little girl.
Now look what else I managed to do. Yes I actually got the camera out and took a picture of the kids all together!! Yes it has taken me a while to take another one!! Not fabulous but a quick snap for the record. My goodness my boys look so similar!
That cheeky little boy in the front had a temperature of almost 40 degrees last week and then he passed his bug onto his sister. Her temp only got to 39. Does that mean she was less sick than him?? Luckily they got over their sickness quickly, so they are back to teasing one another again.
I know this shot is dreadfully blurry, but we have very low light in our house and I didnt have a tripod when I snapped these shots of Ashton smiling. I'm trying to disguise the blurriness by making the image smaller. LOL! Little cutie that Ashton is. I need to get the camera out more to capture this cute little smile again, hopefully with clarity and less blur!!
I have been doing a little bit of scrapping this week, would try and do more if it wasnt for the chaos of school holidays. I have finished the BAP for Prima but that wont go up until the beginning of January.
I did have another layout up on the Prima blog. One using the lovely stitched papers. Apparently there are 18 designs of those beautiful stitched papers and I have a lot of them! And I have to confess to not having used them enough. It seens I look at them and think they are too pretty to use but I cut into this one and I actually have another one on my desk right now that my scissors have made their mark in as well, quite a bright little number!
Lots and lots of handcutting on this as well as little flowers and prima SIIP centres. I also finally used one of those gorgeous romani flowers.
Going back quite a while ago, I wrote how my brother and SIL were going to move to the Gold Coast as Stirling has taken up a Cardiologist position there. It is a bit sad that they are no longer in the same state as me, but we didnt get to catch up as much as I would have liked as we were both so busy and lived at opposite ends of the city. I made this card for them,and it is one card that I was actually quite happy with! LOL! I usually am not that keen on the cards I make. Maybe now I have an excuse to take a holiday to the Gold Coast.
Now Christmas went smoothly, thank goodness. I was very organised and managed to pull together my first Christmas as the hostess for the day. Usually we spend it at my Aunties house but she desperately wanted a break this year, so I offered to have it here. It was lovely and I felt on top of things, which was great. I took some pics of the table all decorated, but alas when I was downloading the pics from the camera, my computer crashed and I lost them all!! Sooooooo not happy about that.
Now, it has taken me a few days to draft this post and in the meantime I have received a MASSIVE box of Prima CHA new release goodness to create layouts for CHA with. I can not tell you just how DIVINE the new paper are!! My heart was going pitter patter. My favourite release by them EVER!! I only have a few papers from each release and just can't wait to see what the whole range is like, but honestly if you like pretty papers, you will be in paper heaven! Now, then, there is the issue of the flowers and once again, Prima have outdone themselves!! There is stuff for everyone, it is a mind-blowing new lot of releases! I couldnt even choose a favourite as they are all just so lovely. Now I need to knuckle down and get creating for CHA!! So much to do, so little time to do it in as I have to have those projects in the mail in about a weeks time to ensure they actually make it to the booth on time!
I want to take this moment to say thank you to all of you who have dropped by my blog this year and shared a little bit of my creative life with me. 2009 has been an amazing year for me and my family and I look forward to 2010 with great anticipation. Still pinching myslef that another whole year has passed.