Have you ever had weeks where you feel completely 'mojoed' out? I seem to be in one of those slumps! I hate it, but for some reason, pregnancy hormones and me dont seem to mix when it comes to creativity! By the third trimester when pregnant with Kaitlyn, my scrapbooking became completely non-existant!! Dont worry, I have not yet stopped scrapping, but it all just seems like hard work right now! I dont have those wonderful mental images of layouts that often come to my brain, so it all feels very forced! Hopefully I can work through it and get the mojo back before the next 6 months are up!
I have only been managing one layout a week at the moment and that is because I have to for the Color Combos Site! LOL! Luckily I have a few layouts already done for Prima, so that is good. One went up on the blog this week. I am not one for scrapping pictures that I have taken indoors with a flash, but I need to get over that when priceless moments need to be recorded and how cute is this little girl caught in the act of taking Mummies chocolate biscuit and sipping her hot drink!!
Lots of Prima goodness on this layout! I just love those felt matties all cut up on my layouts and i have kept the backing as well as it is a lovely Kraft colour, so I can make double use of it!
Changing the subject completely....this little bubby I am carrying is very quiet at this stage! I am yet to feel a strong kick! Miss K gave me a great big solid kick (make that 3 in a row that even Paul got to feel it and I could see a little ripple under my skin!) right at the beginning of 15 weeks and she kicked me hard all the way through. Ethan gave me a solid kick while I was hospitalised at 15 weeks with a threatened miscarriage and ultimately found a great spot under my ribcage to take out his baby aggression later on, and Cameron was kicking me at 14 weeks. Lachlan, being the first kept his kicking undetectable until I was waiting for my 18 weeks scan, but this little baby, no big kicking yet! Sometimes I feel a little concerned as I am halfway through week 16 now, but then I take one look at my weight gain and tell myself not to worry, all his energy is going into growing, not kicking!
The kids went back to school this week and Paul went back to work! Talk about bringing reality back with a big fat thud!! It is full on rushing in the mornings again, complete with me nagging for the kids to get ready on time, stop talking, eat your breakfast, get your shoes and socks on, brush your teeth!! You know the drill, I am sure that it happens in most households! I keep dreaming that one day they will all be self-motivated and I can just get up and quietly get myself ready in the morning! O'kay, I might be dreaming.
Now, just a little teaser for my parting note......I'm working on something really great, with a couple of extremely talented ladies.....and it is going to be wonderful, and anyone in Adelaide, or willing to come to Adelaide can be involved!! Soooo exciting! TFL!