OK, so who stole all the time!! It is just getting away from me at such a rate I don't think I can keep up! Which really is a fickle statement as I can't help but keep up otherwise I would breach the time/space continuim thing!! Well, why this statement.....its just been ages since I updated here! So much has happened and I will probably forget half the things I want to record here.
Firstly back on October 13, my littlest boy turned 4!! Wow, 12 more months and he will be school age! It seems virtually impossible that he could have got to this age so quick, but there you go, I closed my eyes to blink and opened them again to find a boy who is now kindy age! We didn't end up having a propper party for him as his Daddy was away that day and evening for a bucks night up the river! Instead I had a housefull of girls (who's significant others were also up the river at the aforementioned bucks party) over and we had a cake and candles for E. It helped that there was a house full of kids that accompanied the ladies, so it tricked him into thinking he had a party!! We gave him a Nintendo DS, so now all 3 boys have one so they shouldn't fight when we go away for trips in the car.
Kaitlyn is now 15 weeks old. Other than smiling and giggling she is yet to accomplish any other baby milestones, which I don't mind at all as it makes me think she will be a later walker so I will have my baby girl for longer! She is just adorably cute. She has started childcare now and is the perfect angel for them, sleeping and eating heaps and making the staff all clucky with her smiles! She has already caught her first cold, which is a pain, but I knew that would happen.
We have had a few issues with her being quite the little night owl, often cat napping up until midnight and a couple of times to 2am!! This week I have implemented the bath trick each night around 8pm and have timed it just before a feed and sleep time. So far so good and she has gone down for the night each time I have done this. Now I am too scared to disrupt this routine. When she goes down for the night she sleeps right through which is fantastic! I am finally able to do some scrapping in the evenings! YAY!!
Close friends of ours got married last weekend. Paul was one of the groomsmen and he looked rather handsome in his suit!! Pictures were taken on his camera so will have to get them off him to share here. I even went out and bought a gorgeous little dress for Kaitlyn for the occassion only to find the day was way to freezing cold and ended up putting her in something else! This is the dress I bought for her though:
How cute is this little girl all frocked up!! This dress is just so beautiful, now I just need a day that is warm enough for her to wear it! BTW she can't sit up, my DH has his arm under the white fabric holding her up and there are a few shots where he wasn't doing such a good job of holding her up!! LOL!!
Before the actual wedding day, Miranda had a high tea for her hens night. We all got dressed up and went to a place called just Tickled Pink and it was so gorgeous in there. Pictures of Audrey Hepburn were everywhere and all the decor was pink!! Feminine heaven! I took lots of pictures and plan to create a little pink mini album for Miranda! Here are a couple of pictures:
I have also updated my albums in my blog and have all the LO's I have created for Kaitlyns album in there. There were so many I figured it was better to just put them in the sidebar album and you can look at them if you so choose.
BTW Dad, now that Mum has told me you only stop by and look at the pictues and don't bother reading, I might just have to put silly references in the text to see if you have actually started reading this!!