It was only yesterday that I began the guessing competition on my blog! I sure made short work of that comp!!!
Paul and I are delighted to welcome our daughter into this world at 3.45am this morning (17/7/07) in a very speedy fashion! She weighted exactly 3kg (6lb9oz), was 50.5cm in length and had a head circumference of 34cm. We were finally able to use the name we had selected for a girl almost 10 years earlier when I was expecting Lachlan! Kaitlyn Maree Koczwara.
Now for the details!!! I sprang a leak on Monday night around 9pm but nothing much was happening, no more than the regular Braxton Hicks that I usually have every night. We made our way to the hospital for monitoring and I commented to Paul how weird it was to be going in without any pain!! By 1am I was still only experiencing Braxton Hicks type contractions and thought it best for Paul to go home and get some sleep as I presumed nothing much would happen for several hours. The only reason I stayed in hospital was for peace of mind as they could monitor baby, otherwise I would have gone home as well. Luckily I didn't as within half an hour of Paul leaving I thought that the Braxton Hicks had kicked it up a notch but were still completely bearable. By 2am I knew I was in labour, I called Paul at 2.25pm, no answer, I called again, no answer, by 2.43 I was frantically trying again and again and he finally woke up and made it in by 3am. At this point I was 3cm dialated, fully effaced and waiting for the epidural. I was in massive pain and hyperventalating which causes my hands to spasm. I had been prepped for the epidural and he was just waiting for yet another contraction to stop before administering it when I was consumed by the desire to push! NO Epidural!!! By 3.45am Kaitlyn had entered the world with a great deal of noise on my behalf!! I swear she hurt more than any of the others did!! It was a very emotional moment and one of the first things I did when she was placed on my chest was check she was indeed a little girl!
Now for some pictures: